A new start at work

9th of April 2018 - In which I am embarrassed on a train

Today was to have been a good day. Having spent last week getting settled in at work. I was to be assigned my new role today by HR and actually start to make-things-happen. My job title is "Middle Manager" - which I like.

My first disappointment was that the papers were not delivered even when I left the house at 8:20 to catch the 8:40 to Waterloo. I had hoped that Mr PaperShop might raise himself a little early given the importance of his mission. When I got to the station there was a man selling papers from a barrow, but I reasoned that I had already paid once for the papers and was not going to pay again.

I was able to read some aspects of the news over the shoulder of my fellow passengers. Sadly commuters seem to have a fascination with sport which I don't share, so my access to world news was limited. Also one lady was reading a book about moths which seemed very interesting, but try as I might I couldn't get to see the title. I shifted around the carriage trying to get a look, until she looked straight at me and said "Sorry dear, you're not my type". I was mortified and. sadly, speechless too. Luckily we had just arrived at a station so not knowing what else to do I jumped off the train to the sound of sniggering behind me. As the train pulled out I realised I would be not inconsiderably late, on only my 6th day at work.

The news as far as I can see is that the government is planning getting tougher on immigration than any one else. Whilst this may win votes. it overlooks the fact that this country (the UK for my foreign readers) is a net exporter of people, so what's the problem? As the Bible says "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses".

Got to work 10 mins late. HR person is off sick so I have nothing to do (but no-one noticed I was late). Since I have a nice new PC and Internet access I posted this blog. I share an office with two other Middle Managers who I will give the tags cu331ng5 and g0w1n. They seem nice enough, but neither of them seem to have much to do and they were a bit vague when I asked them. I think this company will have a shock when I press my GO button!
