Why should I not have a blog?

1st of April 2018 - Where it all begins

Why should I not have a blog? I have often seen blogs of people I have never even heard of and I fail to see - because I do not happen to be "somebody" - why my blog should not be interesting. My only regret is that I did not commence it when I was a youth.

[Edit - The paragraph above is coined from The Diary of A Nobody by George and Weedon Grossmith. It was that book which inspired me to create this blog. I quite enjoyed the the book. though I felt it focussed on rather petty issues and presented the writer in a not entirely favourable light.]

[Edit - I have since discovered that it is a work of fiction which has left me feeling cheated. I think a fictional diary is a particularly useless thing and I now regret having wasted my time reading it.]
